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go in for (v.)
1.(colloquial)keep busy with"She busies herself with her butterfly collection"
go in for
1.contribute to the furtherance of"This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries"
2.move away from a place into another direction"Go away before I start to cry" "The train departs at noon"
3.become unfit for consumption or use"the meat must be eaten before it spoils"
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go in for
add to, assist in, contribute to, contribute towards, depart, go, go away, go bad, go off, help, join in, leave, make a contribution to, partake in, participate in, putrefy, run along, share in, sour, spoil, take part in, turn
go in for (v.)
go in for (v.) (colloquial)
apply o.s. to, be concerned with, be engaged in, busy, busy o.s. with, dedicate o.s. to, devote o.s. to, employ, engage in, filler, lose o.s. in, occupy, pass, spend, bury o.s. in (colloquial), vow o.s. to (literary)
Ver también
go in for
↘ putrefaction, rot ≠ come, come up, cotton, fond of, have a soft spot for, have a weakness for, take to
Publicidad ▼
go in for
go in for
go; go to[Classe]
go in for
cesser de faire qqch (fr)[Classe]
go in for
s'abîmer, pourrir (fr)[Classe]
gâter quelque chose (fr)[Classe]
faire qqch (pour du lait) (fr)[DomaineCollocation]
decay, decompose, rot[Hyper.]
spoilage, spoiling[Dérivé]
go in for (v.)
avoir une activité de façon régulière (fr)[Classe]
pratiquer (une activité) (prop. courante) (fr)[ClasseParExt.]
s'intéresser à (fr)[Classe]
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